“Be open to a world where you may not understand or agree with the person next to you but have a drink with them anyways.”
Anthony Bourdain
Song: You Came Around by Nico Stai
Article: Lego Customers Lose Millions of Pieces a Year by Jason Aten
Thought: My favorite exercise is called ball slams. I grab the heaviest ball we’ve got (45 lbs) and I drive that thing into the ground until I can’t lift my arms. Not recommend inside apartments. This exercise forces me to focus: breathe (in to lift, out to slam), posture (protect the back), and mental (just one more). Breathe, body and mind have a single objective – put that fucking (sorry Janet) ball through the floor. Everything I do well comes down to focus. “Doing” eight things at once leaves me disappointed with lackluster results. Better to get all my effort going towards one objective than spread thin accomplishing little.